Category Archives: EPSO @en

EPSO Procedures

General rules governing open competitions (EPSO Procedures), had been published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 070 A/01 on 27.02.2015.

These general rules are an integral part of the competition notice, and together with the notice they constitute the binding framework of the competition procedure.


Open competitions

The European institutions select future officials through open competitions, which involve a series of competitive examinations. Continue reading

EU Jobs

The European Union’s institutions offer career opportunities for citizens of the 28 Member States.

The European institutions select future officials through open competitions, which involve a series of competitive examinations. The competitions are organized by European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). The competitions are open to all citizens of the European Union who meet the specified requirements. This procedure gives all candidates a fair chance to demonstrate their abilities and guarantees selection based on merit while observing the principle of equal treatment.

Candidates who pass a competition are placed on a reserve list from which the institutions draw recruits as and when they need them. The aim of a competition, then, is not to fill a specific post, but to constitute a reserve pool for recruitment.

Types of employment

Different categories of staff can work in the EU Institutions, as follows:

Regulation No 31 (EEC), 11 (EAEC) lays down the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.

EPSO publishes, on a regular basis, the current job opportunities.


Applications for an EU job are made through a centralised recruitment process led by EPSO.

The EPSO role is to make available of the institutions of European Union with procedures for effective and quality selection so that they can recruit the right person in the right job at the right time.

EPSO is responsible for selecting staff for the institutions and agencies of the European Union: the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors, the European External Action Service, the European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, the European Data Protection Supervisor, the European Ombudsman, etc.. Each institution may then recruit from the pool of candidates selected by EPSO.

EPSO was established on 26 July 2002 and became operational on 1 January 2003. EPSO headquarter is in Brussels.

The European Central Bank, European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund have their own selection procedures.

The EU’s agencies and decentralised bodies offer job opportunities, primarily for specialists. They may offer recruitment opportunities when no competition is running.

Some agencies are entitled to recruit from the EPSO CAST database contractual agents.


Flexible pack

The “Flexible pack” enables combinations of components of the other three training packs for EPSO competitions: “Computer-Based-Tests“, “Assessment Centre” and “Skills and Competencies” and additional components such as guidance, training, testing / simulation and coaching upon agreement.

Program composition, mode of delivery, schedule, price and method of payment will be agreed with those concerned.


Program available from 2015

Assessment Centre pack

“Assessment Centre pack” is the training program designed for covering the learning needs of candidates invited to the assessment center within an EPSO competition for administrators (AD) in the EU institutions.

Training objective

As a result of participation in this training program, the candidate will become familiar with the conduct of this phase and the requirements of each test. He/she will become aware of his/her general competencies status. Guided by the trainer, the candidate will draw up a strategy for strengthening his/her general competencies for successfully address the “evaluation centre” phase.
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